Eco Fashion Creator


Introducing E.S.Now The Podcast with Special Guest Adrian Grenier

Environmental Style Now Courtney Barriger Adrian Grenier

To be honest, I never imagined myself having a podcast. That honor was reserved for public speakers or comedians... a very high bar that I very much do not meet. But my passion finding a cleaner way to enjoy fashion drove me to ask questions... and to seek answers... and the next thing I know, I have hours and hours and hours of amazing information on this very relative topic that I simply cannot let sit idle. So, with some reserve I am sharing with you recordings with Fair Trade, actor Adrian Grenier , FIT professor TarastJames and so, so, so many more. So if you are looking ways to be a better fashion consumer, and get the information, give a listen. And if you are feeling generous, give a like and subscribe. Because there is a lot to follow :) :) :)

Courtney Barriger Podcast Environmental Style Now

To be blunt, every fashionable person I know is guilty of adding a measurable carbon footprint to the planet simply by their buying habits. It's not exactly your fault. You didn't know. But as they say, what you don't know can hurt you, and the planet. Wise up. podcast already has episodes on toxins, Fair Trade, CovidFashion and EcoFabrics up!

Adrian Grenier Environmental Style Now Podcast E.S.Now Courtney Barriger

For next week’s episode, I am so happy to finally connect with another spirit who is using their creative energy to better the planet. On the next episode of E.S.Now podcast - actor and activist Adrian Grenier breaks down what it will take to make lasting change in our relationship with how we consume and how we treat the planet. Look forward to next week!